Well, much has been written about Cicada 3301 and I'm sure I will reveal nothing else. I just discovered it due to this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_RPNI-QMIE it is generally about the 4chan message board but the part about Cicada 3301 surfacing is at 12:30. Cicada began with this image posted on the message board:
Through opening this file in a text editor they found another clue which lead folks to a url with this image:
Further investigation lead to seekers using a program named Outguess to uncover another message:
This subreddit had two images, with two messages found through Outguess again:
A code in the original message was a book code... this part is a little hazy on my part but basically people figured out applying this code to a text(I'm not sure if it was the story found on the Reddit page or not) gave them this:
Which people did phone and did at one point(it is now disconnected) contained a message:
The original image's dimensions were multiplied with 3301 provided searchers with this web address: http://845145127.com (now contains nothing). This website contained a Cicada image and countdown, again the image contained a message:
On that date the image was checked again and revealed a new message:
Which corresponded with locations across the globe, where these were found:
This was followed by an e-mail after which all the people who had received the e-mail went silent and no more is known for sure about what happened in 2012.
The group then went silent until 2013. I will not summarize that year as it seems things become much more murky. I have summarized most of this information from the Uncovering Cicada Wikia
I wanted to create a record more readable for those of us with a less than perfect understanding of cryptography. I'm always excited when there is something that is above being debunked by the internet. We live in an age when most things can be uncovered using the internet so, I love outliers. I found this article about Cicada pretty interesting for further reading:
Meet the Man who Solved the Mysterious
Check out some other interesting things I have found through the interwebz: